Take Ambassador Bridge into Canada.
After crossing into Canada, go straight ahead through Windsor
(for ~6.3 mi).
Follow signs for Hwy 3.
Take Hwy 3 to Leamington (stay on this for ~21.5
Turn right at traffic light on Essex Road 31
(stay on this 1.9 mi).
(It's the second light after lots of greenhouses and Colasanti sign)
Turn left at traffic light on Essex Road 20
(aka Seacliff Drive)
After the Shell Station, turn right on Forest Street
(immediately after Seacliff Park.)
Follow Forest as it veers to the left and becomes Park
Street., and then make a quick right into the Lighthouse
(The gate may be closed, but it won't be locked. If closed, get
out and open gate to pass in).
Park at the top of the hill for cottages #1-#28
Park at the bottom of the hill for cottages #29-#66